10 national food trends that ruled the 2010s

Once all your veggies are in the ground get down to the local park or wilderness area and collect a couple of garbage sacks of forest debris. This could be dead leaves, tiny pieces of bark or you could even use grass clippings. This will be your mulch. When you get home cover the planting bed with the mulch which will protect the new plants and provide food for them later in the year as it rots down.

If your kids pester you in the supermarket for candy, cookies, or overpriced trinkets, you will find the farmers market a complete change of pace. Children love to run from booth to booth, and will beg for samples of fruit rather than for junk food. They can burn off their energy, and you need not be embarrassed if they are noisy or enthusiastic. farmers market are also educational for city kids, who may never think about how food grows or what the local crops are.

Expanding into herb farming will also be popular, as small bundles of fresh herbs will always be attractive and create a demand. Also, consider keeping chickens to sell the eggs alongside your produce for a one-shop stop experience.

Find your local farm markets. local vegetables, herbs, and fruit are readily available at the many popular farm markets. Since many communities have them right downtown, you can combine an interesting walk through your downtown area while purchasing healthy, local food. Weight loss is so much easier if you base your meals on fresh vegetables and fruits. These are low calorie, high fiber, and high-nutrient foods that boost health and help melt away the pounds.

1-Get the best ingredients possible. If you have the ability to obtain locally grown food in season-use it! It will be fresher and hold more natural flavor than a food that has had to travel, or is being produced out of season. Generally it will be less expensive as well. If that’s not an option, frozen veggies are generally more flavorful than canned. Exceptions would be canned beans-which are way more convienent than dried beans, and personally I like canned artichokes.

Purchase frozen vegetables if you’re too busy to deal with fresh ones. Frozen veggies retain most of their nutrients, plus they’re a great way to obtain out-of-season fare. Buy frozen vegetables in loosely-packed plastic bags rather than boxes. It’s easier to grab a few vegetables from a bag and return the unused portion to the freezer.

After all of this, you can only wonder how the supermarkets source so many varieties of fruit and vegetables in perfect condition, of uniform size, with no mud, available 12 months of the year – pity the poor growers!

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